Yoga | The Essence of Movement & Mindfulness

Daily Classes | Beginner | Yin | Surfers | Meditation | Flow | Men's | Restorative | Vinyasa | Hatha | Currumbin

Yoga at Rhythm Wellness

Yin is a beautiful practice where poses are passively held for
3-5 minutes to effect deep connective tissue and calm the nervous system. You will float out of the class relaxed. This class is gentle & nurturing. Great for people who feel like they are always tight or need positive ways to cope with the stresses of everyday life. 

 • yin yoga •

Vinyasa is a breath led practice that is intellectually sequenced to promote balance in the body. This flowy class will allow you to move your body through its range of motion. All levels are welcome but recommended to be injury-free for this dynamic class.

 • Vinyasa yoga •

While most people know meditation is beneficial, it can be a daunting practice to implement. This class gives you the opportunity to learn and practice the art of training your mind & focusing your awareness. This class encompasses a variety of techniques and types of meditation. This is a free community class and every person can benefit from  from the absolute beginner to the seasoned meditator. 

 • Meditation •

Come and give your muscles some much need attention. This class is focused on re-aligning the body through a combination of mobility exercises, soft tissue release through use of trigger point balls, foam rollers, and stretches. Strengthen, Stretch, and Roll & Release any tension, plus learn ways to apply these tools in your everyday life to function and feel better. 

Surfers Yoga are vinyasa yoga classes but with special focus on hip mobility, core strength, thoracic mobility, shoulder stability, and balance to help improve your surfing and reduce risk of injury. 

*Everyone is welcome not just surfers. This class is also great for golfers,  tennis players, and office workers. Surfers Yoga is a great way to add more balance in your body.

 • Surfers yoga •

Hatha yoga is a slower paced class that focuses on the entirety of yoga. In this class you can expect less chaturangas and  to hold the postures for longer periods. Everyone can benefit from Hatha Yoga from experienced practitioners to beginner yoga practitioners. This class is also more accessible to those with physical limitations and  injuries. Come sink into all yoga has to offer with us in Hatha.

 • Hatha yoga •

Introductory Offer

14 days of unlimited
mat pilates & Yoga classes 

For Just $49

We have an amazing team of instructors and allied health practitioners who are passionate, caring, and experts in their fields.

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