Exercise Physiologist's specialize in exercise prescription for prevention and treatment of a large range of acute and chronic conditions with the aim of assisting restoration of the individuals optimal fitness, health, or wellness.

 Conditions treated include: musculoskeletal injury, sports pre-hab & enhancement, arthritis, osteoporosis,
pre and post surgical rehab, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, depression, metabolic disease, and
cancer to name a few. 

Exercise Physiology Currumbin | How we can help you

- Complete a thorough assessment to find the root cause of the problem and contributing factors which can be modified

- Educate & make sure you have an understanding of what is going on

- Collaborate to create a plan for management

- Exercise Prescription and recommended lifestyle modifications 

-A detailed home program

Initial Assessment 

Exercise Physiology Can Help With:

Our therapists are experienced in treating a large range of conditions including:

Back & Neck Pain

- Acute back pain
- Chronic back pain
- Neck pain
- Wry neck
- Sciatica

Acute Injuries 

Shoulder Pain 

- Sports injuries
- Acute sprains & strains
- Ankle injuries
- Knee Injuries
- Groin Injuries

- Rotator Cuff tears
- Impingement
- Bursitis
- Surgical prehab & rehab 

Overuse Injuries

- Tendon injuries &
- Tennis Elbow
- Golfers Elbow
- Plantar Fasciitis

Chronic Conditions

- Fibromyalgia
- Osteoarthritis
- Osteopenia 
- Osteoporosis

Mental Health

Injury Prevention 

- Depression 
- Anxiety 

- Postural improvement
- Sports enhancement 
- Mobility assessment

Metabolic Issues

- Heart conditions
- High blood pressure
- High Cholesterol 
- Weightloss

If you are ready to get the education, support, & tools to experience
change and start feeling good in your body, book now to get started. 

• Get Started •

We accept:
~ All private healthfunds
~ Medicare Chronic care plans with only a $15 Gap
~ Workcover QLD &Workcover NSW