Our Rehab Series are reformer based, exercise classes that go for 5 weeks.
Each series has a focus in which the classes are centred around to make improvements to the stability & function of the joint/area.
You will be given specific exercises to continue at home throughout the series. These courses are ran by a physiotherapist or exercise physiologist and are eligible for private health rebates.

Stronger Shoulders - A Rehab Series

The shoulders are the most mobile joint in the human body. Although it is mobile it requires stability to remain functional and strong. This course is focused on creating healthy, strong shoulders. 

Stronger Shoulders

$150  * Eligible for private health rebate 


Next Date Coming Soon


Rhythm is an all inclusive pilates and yoga studio located on the Gold Coast- providing you with physiotherapy, dietetics, exercise physiology, remedial massage and more to help you meet your
Health & Wellness Goals.

More Than a Fitness Studio